Sunday, November 4, 2012

Movie Rankings

Salutations fellow movie buffs,

This is my first post as well as my first time ever blogging. As promised in our previous post, the following is pertaining to the ratings on the Online Movie Database (IMBd).  There is one list in particular that I would like to share which is the top  250 list. Here are the first ten that top the list:

1.       The Shawshank Redemption

2.       The Godfather

3.       The Godfather II

4.       Pulp Fiction

5.       The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

6.       12 Angry Men

7.       Schindler’s List

8.       The Dark Knight

9.       The Lord of the Rings Return of the King

10.   Fight Club

The list is derived from voters on the database website and only frequent voters are counted. The list is strong and has a lot of notable, good movies on it. However, I find it difficult to rank movies without putting them in to genres. So I would like to share a few of my personal favorites according to category.


1.       Forrest Gump

2.       Goodfellas

3.       Pulp Fiction


1.       The Lion King

2.       Pocahontas

3.       Peter Pan


1.       Star Wars

2.       Harry Potter

3.       Lord of the Rings

Consider these lists 100 % accurate and all other lists void.

Thanks for viewing and we’ll be back soon,


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